Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Taking the mystery out of SCORM

** I'm embarrassed to say it, but I'm not as up to date on SCORM as I should be, so I attended this session hoping to learn more**

Limitations to creating rich environments:
- LMS standardized tools
- lack of programming expertise
- lack of campus resources

Tools that have helped students to interact more deeply
Study mate by respondus
impatica for powerpoint
breeze presenter
-- but these tools often have their own set of limitations

SCORM - a standard maintained by ADL Consortium which can give you greater customization of content in an LMS. If it can be viewed on the web, it can be made a scorm object.

SCOrm - Sharable Content Object
SCO's are just about any bit of content created

scoRM - Reference Model
An agreed upon method that enables computers to share info between the SCO and tools (e.g. gradebook, etc.)

This creates a link between the SCO and the LMS database

Browser and LMS communication
--> the LMS needs to know it's a SCO (usually done in the upload process)
--> the LMS needs to know which SCO it is and what files are included (done through a manifest file)
--> more here...

Project grew out of the development of an online geology lab

What did faculty want?
- richer engagement with content
- student demo of knowledge apps
- breakup from the push learning model
- deliver more creative assessments
- more flexibility
- seamless integration
- make it EASY

They have created a "pick and click" wizard for building SCORM objects. The wizard was demonstrated (pretty cool!) and they talked us through building a module and uploading to an LMS

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